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Putting God First

Hello again!
I’m sorry there hasn’t been any new content in a few weeks. I’ve been spending the last two weeks celebrating the holidays with my family and getting some much needed time to rest and relax. I hope you all were able to do the same!

Although the time that I took off was nice, these last two weeks had me thinking a lot. At the beginning of these two weeks my hopes were high and my ambition to work on this blog was through the roof. I have so many ideas for this site and am slowly working out ways to execute them all, but it is taking a lot of time and effort.

The last few days of my “vacation”, I have found myself slinking back into my old bad habits. The negative thoughts have been creeping in and I’ve started to doubt myself and my commitment to this blog. It seems more hassle than it’s worth and I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue it even though just a few short weeks ago I knew that God was calling me to do this. Isn’t it funny how a little bit of time and distance can change our hearts so much!

In our relationship with God, it only takes a little distance here and a little distraction there and the devil is able to sneak in with his lies. Self doubt, lack of motivation, and newer shinier ideas came into my head and before I knew it, God had gone from his rightful place on the throne of my heart to over there in the corner behind all these other way less important things.

I’ve noticed that when I am not putting God first, my whole being goes out of whack. I am filled with anxiety, anger, sadness, confusion and so many other negative emotions. We were made to worship and bring glory to God and when we are not fulfilling that sole purpose it leaves us searching for more in a vicious cycle and I was definitely feeling that these last few days.

This week I’m writing this blog post for anyone out there who is like me and struggles to keep God at the forefront of everything you do. I want you to know that those negative thoughts don’t have to take over your life. Start putting God first again and He will point you back to His love and truth and you will again remember your purpose is for Him and Him alone. When you remember that, His joy will overcome you again and the devil will loose his foothold he thought he had in your heart and mind.

I’ve gotten back to that place where God is first, so for now, I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere! God use me as You will, send me where You will, test me as You will, because Your will is so much greater than mine!

I have some more changes coming to this site soon. I know, I know, those of you that have followed since the beginning are probably sick of all the changes. I believe that God has big things in store for this site and I am new to this whole blogging thing still so just bear with me and look forward to the growth that this site will see. I pray that the changes I hope to make will make it more accessible to the people that need it and more exciting and interactive! See you all soon and until next week, God bless!


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