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Putting God First

Hello again! I’m sorry there hasn’t been any new content in a few weeks. I’ve been spending the last two weeks celebrating the holidays with my family and getting some much needed time to rest and relax. I hope you all were able to do the same! Although the time that I took off was nice, these last two weeks had me thinking a lot. At the beginning of these two weeks my hopes were high and my ambition to work on this blog was through the roof. I have so many ideas for this site and am slowly working out ways to execute them all, but it is taking a lot of time and effort. The last few days of my “vacation”, I have found myself slinking back into my old bad habits. The negative thoughts have been creeping in and I’ve started to doubt myself and my commitment to this blog. It seems more hassle than it’s worth and I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue it even though just a few short weeks ago I knew that God was calling me to do this. Isn’t it funny how a little bit of time and distan

How to Read/Study the Bible

How to Read/Study the Bible Rooted and Built Up Blog Dec. 18, 2019 Before I became a Christian and even as a new Christian I can remember how daunting of a task it seemed to be to read the Bible. I must have picked it up with the intention to read it a million times. Each time being met with failure only a few pages in. This week I wanted to post a resource for those of you that have ever had a hard time understanding the Bible like I did when I first started to read it. Being able to read and enjoy the Bible has grown my relationship with Christ tremendously! Now when I'm feeling lost or in need of help, I am able to confidently turn to the Bible instead of empty things. Being able to read and understand the Bible has also enabled me to teach others about the love and joy found in Christ. Whether you are not a Christian but would like to be able to read the Bible to look for answers like I was a few short years ago, a new Christian who would like

Stepping Out and Standing Strong in Faith

As I’ve come into my adult years, I’ve begun to realize that making decisions and sticking to them is not as easy as it once was. It used to be so simple to have dreams that were bigger than myself. I would ponder constantly of all the wonderful things I was going to do with my life and nothing was too ambitious for me.  It was like looking into the future through rose colored glasses. Everything seemed so nice and shiny, nothing bad could ever happen. I only saw the good and looked forward to whatever the future was going to bring. When is it that we lose that childlike faith and reliance on God? It seems that the older I get and the more twists and turns life throws at me, the more I gain a sense of what I believe to be wisdom in regards to how the world works. I have started to see that every action has consequences and sometimes making a decision can be scary even if I feel like I'm being called by God. The more “wisdom” I gain from the world though, the less faith I

For You I Will

For You, I Will I spent some much needed time in God’s word this morning. I have been slacking off lately and instead of spending time in the Bible, I have been busy with family but also wasting time binging on pointless TV shows and other time wasting activities. So this morning I set out to get back on track. I’m one of those people that needs a plan when I go about reading the Bible. I don’t like to just open it at random and just start wherever. I find it much more productive if I pick a book, start at the beginning and follow it through to the end. I’ve read almost all of the books of the Bible (some a lot more than once) but one book I’ve never seemed to dig into for any meaningful length of time is Psalms. It just seemed like a daunting book to start, one because it’s long and two because it’s poetry and lyrics and that was never really my favorite type of reading. This morning though I figured it was time to start what I had been putting off for so long, and I am so glad I

Come to the Table

Come to the Table A blog post by Dakotah Curtis of Rooted and Built Up Blog 11/27/2019 With Thanksgiving a mere hours away, I wanted this weeks post to reflect upon the coming holiday. Though Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all that we have, I don’t think that we should  limit being thankful to just one day a year. Being thankful is a full time job that we should be engaged in constantly. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says " 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." So instead of diving into what the bible has to say about giving thanks and limiting it to this one day, instead I wanted to delve into what the bible has to say about the importance of a meal and gathering together. When God laid this idea on me, I didn't really expect to find much. When I think of significant meals in the bible, the only one that popped into mind was the Lords Supper. Come to find out, the

When Your Plans go Awry

I'm sitting here writing this blog after the kids have had a long weekend off from school. I had such a good weekend with them but have been so ready for them to go back to school. Last night I came up with so many plans to get things accomplished today. I was going to be so productive. But then the snow started, and kept coming. I woke up this morning to the official “School is Cancelled” announcement and there went my big plans for the day, out the window and into the snow. So here I am, discouraged and frustrated that once again my plans have been thwarted. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my kids, but sometimes mama needs a break, especially when this post is supposed to be up soon and I have yet to even consider what to write about. Luckily, this change in plans has given me an idea to run with. Hopefully I can write this blog for you so that it is up in time with little distraction from the peanut gallery that it currently soaking in some snuggly TV t