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15 Minute Challenge!

As a foster mom, I’m always trying to come up with ways to get to know the kids that come into our home a little better. A few months ago, I decided that I would give each child 15 minutes of uninterrupted one on one time each night to talk, play, read a story or whatever else they wanted to do with just the two of us. 15 minutes may not seem like a lot of time but between cleaning, cooking, school, homework, visits with parents and other things scheduled, 15 minutes of one on one time was all that we could realistically manage in our busy schedule. Over the course of a week worth of 15 minute appointments with each kid, I was spending an hour and 45 minutes of one on one time with each kid. It is a time that both me and the children look forward to and they have let me know that this time is valuable to them and makes them feel that they are important and loved. It gives us a time to reflect on the good and bad of the day and build a bond that may only last a few months, but that they will remember and cherish forever.

Building this time into my schedule for the children in my home got me to thinking about how I spend my time with God. After all, my relationship with Him is the most important relationship in my life. Once I thought about it, the time I was giving God was not consistent. It also wasn’t uninterrupted. What would change in my relationship with God if I gave him the same energy and time that I put into my relationship with my children? After all, I am God’s child and he wants the kind of relationship with me that I have with my kids. 

So that is what I set out to do. 15 minutes every day of uninterrupted, quality time with my Heavenly Father. I’m not going to lie, I have been so used to distractions and multitasking that 15 minutes alone with just me and God felt like an eternity at first. Over time though, I began to crave that time alone with God, just as the children in my home craved that time with me. I became more comfortable talking to, praying to, thanking, and pleading with God. This is the kind of relationship He wants with us. He created us for this sole purpose!

It is so important that we remember to give to God some of the time that he have given us! We may not be able to spend hours a day in prayer and worship but even just 15 minutes a day can be relationship changing and life changing! I challenge you over the next few weeks to find the time to give God at least 15 minutes of your uninterrupted time. Make it count and let me know how it impacts you! It reallyWas a game changer for me!

Until next time,
~Dakotah Curtis


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